Community Links
We work closely with our local community and raise money for various charities throughout the year.
Southbourne Farm Shop kindly donated the Christmas Tree for the school hall
The children made Christmas Cards for the Southbourne Age Concern Christmas Lunch
Parents and pupils collected items for the Chichester Foodbank as part of a Reverse Advent Calendar
Over 28 boxes were collected for the Havant Rotary Shoe Box Appeal - well done everyone.
We raised £50 for Save The Children's Christmas Jumper Day

Thank you to everyone for the generous donations made for Ukraine. The PTA took four full car loads to Stella's Voice in Havant. From there they will be taken by lorry directly to the refuge in Moldova. The PTA met the facilitator who will be flying out to meet them who passed on his thanks.

Rock Your Socks is a global initiative that raises awareness and promotes inclusion by inviting people to wear colourful socks, the more colourful and individual the better! Individuals with Down syndrome have an extra copy of chromosome 21, so three instead of the usual two. Therefore, World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated each year on the the 21st of the third month, March. The shape of socks mirrors the shape of the chromosomes, hence why we will rock our socks!
We are individuals with our own strengths, and we all deserve the right to experience success and be acknowledged as valued members of our communities. By wearing bright socks, we hope to highlight the importance of tolerance and acceptance, and to celebrate our wonderful differences which make us all so unique. When people with Down syndrome are given opportunities to participate and be fully included, the whole community benefits.

The RNLI visited and spoke to Years 5 and 6 about the importance of sea safety and their important work.
They acted out various scenes and learnt about the different types of flags they may see at the beach.
£240 was raised by the children who had fun wearing something spotty for the day and attending a disco arranged by the PTA

Year 6 held a coffee afternoon in aid of MacMillan Cancer Care for all the children and teachers to attend. They managed to raise £150.

The children (and parents) made cakes for a cake sale in aid of Comic Relief.
The School Council ran the cake sale which was a huge success.
Each month an article is written about the school informing the readers about life at school, events and school trips.
The children often contribute to this page too.

Year 4 recorded a song for Graylingwell Chapel as part of Chichester Community Development Trust's work to help with their fundraising. If you wish to see the song just click this link
The following article in the Chichester Observer gives more information

Over £300 was raised for Brain Tumour Research. All the children and staff wore hats for the day.
West Sussex Fire and Rescue Service visited the children and talked about fire safety.