Starting School September 2024
Thank you for showing interest in Westbourne Primary School.
If you would like to meet with the Headteacher please contact us to make an appointment where you can be shown around the school and ask any questions you may have.
Important Information
You must apply on time.
Online applications can be made from Monday 2nd October 2023.
It is very important that you apply before the closing date of Monday 15th January 2024; you cannot apply online after this date.
If your application is received after the closing date you seriously disadvantage your chances of gaining a place at one of your preferred schools.
Applications received after the closing date are late applications and will only be considered after all those that were received on time.
It is your responsibility as a parent to ensure that your application is received by The Pupil Admission Team on time.
You can apply online for your child's school place by visiting
You can contact the office on 01243 372726 and speak to Mrs Paula Caird to arrange an appointment to visit the school.
Your Preferences
We advise all parents to think very carefully about their three preferences and to use them wisely.
School places are allocated according to the published oversubscription criteria for that school. This can include criteria such as whether you live in the catchment area, whether there are siblings already at the school and the distance you live from the school.
Please be realistic in your preferences. You have a higher priority for local schools. If you choose an oversubscribed school, the further away you live the less likely you are to be offered a place.
Please note that personal circumstances, such as child care arrangement, are not part of the oversubscription criteria for any school and will not be taken into consideration.
Finally, we always advise parents to include their catchment school as one of their three preferences.