Fixed Penalty Notice
Unauthorised Absence from School
Please see attachment re Fixed Penalty Notice for Unauthorised Absence from School.
What is a Fixed Penalty Notice?
It is a fine given for unauthorised absence from school, rather than the matter being brought before the courts. It is issued per parent, per child. Please note only a Head Teacher can authorise absence from school.
Who issues them?
In West Sussex the Local Authority issues them through the Pupil Entitlement: Investigation
When are they used?
When a pupil has a minimum of 10 school sessions recorded as unauthorised in a 10 school week period; a school day is two sessions AM and PM.
This includes; any absence marked in the register as unauthorised.
Persistent late arrival at school after the register has been taken and is recorded as an unauthorised absence.
A holiday in term time which has not been authorised by the Head Teacher. The Government has directed Head Teachers may only grant leave for a holiday in exceptional circumstances.
FPNs can also be used during the first 5 days of exclusion. Parents are made aware of the consequences by letter when a child is excluded from school.
How much is the FPN?
The FPN is issued with an invoice for £120 and 28 days are given for you to settle the Penalty.
If the FPN is paid within the first 21 days the amount payable is reduced to £60.
What happens if I don't pay?
If you don’t pay within the 28 days the Authority will consider instigating a prosecution in the Magistrates Court for the offence of poor school attendance. If proven this could result in a fine of up to £1000 per parent per child and/or a parenting order or a community service order and also costs.
Please note under the Prosecution of Offences Act 1985 (Criminal Courts Charge) Regulations 2015 the court will automatically include Costs to the court of a minimum of £150 if you are found guilty of the offence. This is in addition to any other costs requested by the prosecution.