The Governors of Westbourne Primary School
Westbourne Primary school is supported by a Governing Body of 10 people who come from all walks of life. We bring many different skills and experiences to the role. What unites us is a desire to see the best for the school of which we are all very proud.
We passionately believe that our children must have the very best education and enrichment we can offer so they eventually leave school with some real choices to make about their future jobs, careers, further education and lifestyle.
Governors support and advise the headteacher and staff, working within the schoool to meet the need of the children whilst ensuring that the school provides good value for money. They help the headteacher in the selection of staff and act as a link between the school and the community.
About the Governing Body
The Governors at Westbourne Primary School each hold office for an agreed period of time of at least 4 years. The Governing Body, with the advice of the headteacher, decide school policies and are responsible for all aspects of the running of the school. The Governors have specific responsibilites to ensure staturory requirements are met and to oversee the maintenance of the site.
Who we are
Local Authority Governors - Appointed by the West Sussex County Council
Parent Governors - Elected by the parents of pupils attending the school
Staff Governors - Elected by the school staff
Co-Opted Governors - Appointed by the Governing Body
What we do
Governors work as a team, in the best interests of the children and the school, to raise educational standards and ensure everyone within the school community is safe. The headteacher is an important part of the team.
- are accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community
- plan the school's future direction
- appoint the Headteacher
- make decisions on the shool's budget and staffing
- make sure the national curriculum is taught and agree the Statutory Attainment Targets
- agree policies about the way the Governing Body and the school work
- decide how the school can encourage pupil's moral and social development
- make sure the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special needs
- monitor the outcomes of pupils to ensure whereever possible they acieve their academic, personal and social best
- support and challenge the Headteacher and staff by gathering views, asking questions and deciding what's best for the school
How we work
The Governing Body meets formally once a half term.
Governors perform their role by:
- attending meetings
- receiving written briefings, reports and presentations from the Headteacher and his colleagues
- discussing and debating key issues and data
- visiting the school regularly, including undertaking a specific role as a link governor
- meeting with parents and staff - both informally and formally
- undertaking regular training courses pertinent to Effective Governance
- networking with other Governing Body groups within the locality
We are always keen to hear the view of parents - please feel able to tell us what you think at any time.
There are two ways to contact us:
i) Email us via our Clerk:
ii) Contact us via the School Office
Please note; if you wish to contact the Governing Body on a confidential matter, please address your initial correspondance in writing to the Chair of Governors via the School Office.
Westbourne Primary School, River Street, Westbourne, Emsworth, Hants, PO10 8TG
Telephone - 01243 372726
Safer Recruitment
Westbourne Primary School rigorously applies the Safer Rectuitment procedures. All appointments undergo an Enhanced DBS and references are sought and verified before interview. Our Confidential Reporting Policy supports a culture of vigilance for the safey of all our pupils.
The Governors would like to express their thanks to:
- our staff for their continued commitment to the school
- our pupils for all their hard work
- our parents and carers for their support and feedback
- our volunteers for all the time they freely give that makes a huge difference