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School Uniform

We take great pride in and strongly encourage the wearing of our school uniform.

School jumpers, cardigans and PE tops may be purchased from the school. A selection of second hand uniform is available from the PTA via their MyPTA App.


Royal blue cardigans/sweatshirt

Grey skirt, pinafore or tailored grey trousers or shorts

Light blue or white polo shirt/shirt

White, grey or black socks

Black or grey tights 

Black shoes (not platform soles, boots or trainers)

Navy, black or white sandals to be worn with socks

Bows/Ribbons for hair should be small, in a soft material and the school colour of blue


As Winter including

Dress in blue gingham or stripes

Navy, black or white sandals to be worn with socks



Navy shorts

Plain white or light blue T-shirt, (blue with school logo can be bought from school office)


Winter - Plain dark tracksuit top and bottoms

Summer - Swimming costume (1 piece), towel, swimming hat and crocs/flipflops

Jewellery and Hair

With the exception of studs for pierced ears, no other form of jewellery is permitted. It is advisable for children who do have pierced ears to not wear earrings on days when they do P.E. as they will have to remove them and we cannot be responsible for their loss. Children will need to remove their ear rings themselves before they can use the swimming pool.

Hair below shoulder length should be tied up.  Bows/ribbons for hair should be small, in a soft material and the school colour of blue. 

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