Equality Statement Summer 2020
Westbourne Primary School Equality Information
Our belief in “equality of opportunity, success and confidence for all” underpins the ethos and approach of Westbourne Primary School.
The Equality Act 2010 has replaced and unified all existing equality legislation such as the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act. It aims to ensure that people have equality of opportunity in accessing and experiencing public services. There are two kinds of duty that schools must meet: the general which is the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) and the specific. There are two specific duties; these are that schools should:
- publish information which shows compliance with PSED and
- publish at least one equality objective
The Public Sector Equality Duty has three main aims:
- eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the act
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
- foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not
As part of the annual analysis of provision, pupil progress, attainment and attendance the Leadership Team and subject leaders consider the groups protected under the Equality Act (race, disability, gender, gender re-assignment, age, pregnancy and maternity, marital status, sexual orientation, religion and belief and sexual orientation.)
Pupil data
- Westbourne Primary has 212 pupils on roll as at March 2020.
- The level of special educational needs in the school (10%) is below the national average for 2019.
- Most pupils are White British, with 8.05% of pupils being from minority ethnic groups.
- Across the whole school the gender balance is almost equal, (49% females and 51% males).
- Overall attendance for 2019/20 as of 20th March 2020 is 95.43%.
- Attendance of pupils as of 20th March 2020 in groups protected by the Equality Act - EAL 97.3%, BEM Gypsy/Roma 82.3%, SEN with EHCP 97.5%, SEN Support 95.4%.
Equality Objectives
Having analysed the data relating to the protected groups, the following objectives have been set:
- Ensure all new build areas comply with legislation regarding access.
- Ensure all pupils make informed choices about healthy eating, fitness and their emotional health and well-being.
- To raise attendance levels of those children identified as persistent absentees
- The progress and attainment of pupil premium pupils will be in line with non-pupil premium pupils.