Safeguarding and Prevent
Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education' (DfES) Jan 07
A Shared Objective
1.1. Everyone in the education service shares an objective to help keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
Westbourne Primary School is committed to safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of all of our children and families. We recognise that in an ever changing and fast moving world it is essential that we promote children's well-being, confidence and resilience, and that we provide them with up to date and age-appropriate information and signpost them to places where they can find support, where necessary.
We see protecting our children from the risk of radicalisation as part of our wider safeguarding duties, and that it is similar in nature to protecting students from other harms (e.g. drugs, gangs, cyber-bullying, neglect, and sexual exploitation), whether these come from within their family or are the product of outside influences. We acknowledge the Prevent duty and we have due regard to the need to prevent children and their families from being drawn into any illegal activity, including terrorism.
Child Protection Officer – Miss Laura Sibley, Headteacher
Deputy Child Protection Officers – Mrs Ami Collins, Deputy Headteacher and Mrs Lynda Stock, Assistant Head/SENCO
At Westbourne Primary School all staff are expected to uphold the fundamental principles of British values, including democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect, and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. These values are promoted through our values and ethos, the curriculum, citizenship, assembly themes and PHSCE work.
It is important to note that our Child Protection and Prevent policies link with many others to cover Safeguarding including:
Guidance of the Use of the Internet; Intimate Care; Anti-Bullying; Attendance; Equality Opportunity; Provision of First Aid in Schools; PSHCE; Safer Recruitment; Special Educational Needs Policy: Information for Volunteers; Whistleblowing/Confidential Reporting.
These, together with other whole school policies can be accessed from the School Office.
On 25th May 2018 GDPR the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will be applicable and the current Data Protection Act (DPA) will be updated by a new Act giving effect to its provisions.
Westbourne Primary School is proactively engaged with the new compliance requirements of the Data Protection Legislation (GDPR) and is registered as a "Data Controller" with the Information Commissioners Office (Reg No. Z6444159)
The Data Protection Officer (DPO) for Westbourne Primary School is Mrs Paula Caird.
We will continue to ensure that your personal data is processed fairly and lawfully, is accurate, is kept secure and is retained for no longer than is necessary.
At Westbourne Primary School we have taken steps to ensure all data kept at school and with our third party suppliers are protected and secure. We have and will continue to keep parents informed on the data we are required to keep either on paper in a locked file or on our secure server.
West Sussex schools have identified secure ways in which to share files within the county either when a pupil leaves or is new to the school.
The main reason that our school processes personal data is because it is necessay in order to comply with the schools legal obligations and to enable us to perform tasks carried out in the public interest.
At Westbourne Primary School our staff and governors have a clear understanding of data handling in order to minimise the risk of Personal Data Breaches.
We have updated our school server this year to ensure data is secure while staff are working in the school and also working form home.
We have introduced a ban on all USB sticks to store information.
All staff must take photos of staff/pupils on a school device and not personal devices.
We are undertaking an extensive data mapping excercise of all our personal data processing activities to ensure that the processing is compliant with data protection legislations. This is led by our DPO and we will continue to update and improve on this excercise. All our contracts with third party suppliers are being reviewed to ensure they are compliant with the requirements of the new data protection legislation.