Developing a Growth Mindset
Our school is committed to developing a Growth Mindset for all our children and adults. We are always striving to be:
- Praising others for their effort
- Learning how to learn
- Believing in everyone's potential
Our school has run successful workshops for staff and parents. These have introduced the enlightening research by Carol Dweck and her book'Mindset: How You Can Fulfil Your Potential' (ISBN: 1780332009). Her research made us aware of our praise that could be reinforcing a judgement of a child’s permanent traits. We must try to ‘Praise the Process’ and the effort, not the intelligence, the talent or the product.
Below is the presentation from the successful workshop by Shine Education on the 15th May 2019
Developing a Growth Mindset is now central to your child’s school life
For example:
- The school is centred on the question ‘I wonder how good our learning can be?’
- We say, 'If you leave school at the end of today feeling happy because you got everything correct, quickly and easily – that wasn't a good day of learning!’
- The staff are volunteering to undertake their own research projects to study children’s learning.
- We specifically explain and exemplify the effort belief. We share our own ‘life-long learning’.
- We are inspired by famous, successful people who got where they did through effort and resilience.
- We start the year with ‘Brain Week’ to prove to the children the science behind learning. If we learn how we learn, we can believe in everyone’s potential to learn and be successful in the various different ways there are to be ‘smart’.
- Our feedback to children has the biggest influence on their progress and we have to be careful we get it right.