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Our Special Needs Provision

At Westbourne Primary School all children receive Quality First teaching which includes:

  • differentiation of the curriculum, in its delivery and by outcome
  • use of visual aids, which may include a visual timetable
  • adjustment for varying learning styles and needs
  • learning scaffolded where appropriate
  • clear class routines and targets
  • clear whole school/class rules and rewards
  • differentiated guided reading
  • PSHE/SEAL to develop social/emotional skills
  • specific equipment in class to support learners

Quality teaching is vital; however for some children there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets.

  • What is Pupil Premium?

    The Pupil Premium was introduced in April 2011 and is allocated to schools to work with pupils who have been registered for free school meals at any point in the last six years (known as ‘Ever 6 FSM’). Schools also receive funding for children who have been looked after continuously for more than six months, and children of service personnel.

  • Why has it been introduced?

    The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.

  • Who decides on how the money is spent?

    In most cases the Pupil Premium is paid direct to schools, allocated to them for every pupil who receives free school meals. Schools decide how to use the funding, as they are best placed to assess what their pupils need.

  • How are schools accountable for the spending of Pupil Premium?

    They are held accountable for the decisions they make through:

    • the performance tables which show the performance of disadvantaged pupils compared with their peers.
    • the new Ofsted inspection framework, under which inspectors focus on the attainment of pupil groups, in particular those who attract the Pupil Premium.

Children and Families Bill 2013

  • What is the Local Offer?

    The Local Offer was first introduced in the Green Paper (March 2011) as “a local offer of all services available to support disabled children and children with SEN and their families. This easy to understand information will set out what is normally available in schools to help children with lower-level SEN as well as the options available to support families who need additional help to care for their child.”

  • What will it do?

    The South East 7 (SE7) framework will allow the Local Offer to provide parents/carers with information about how to access services in their area, and what they can expect from those services. With regard to Education, it will let parents/ carers and young people know how school and colleges will support them, and what they can expect across the local settings. During the last year, the Local Offer Steering Group has developed questions for schools, and trialled them with a small number of settings.

    There are 14 questions, devised in consultation with parents/carers and other agencies, which reflect their concerns and interests. These will be answered by agencies, schools and colleges to provide information to parents and carers to enable them to make decisions about how to best support their child’s needs.

Below you will find Westbourne Primary School’s responses to these questions.

People who support children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities at Westbourne Primary School are:

Class Teacher

He/She has a responsibility for:

  • Ensuring that all children have access to quality first teaching and that the curriculum is adapted to meet your child’s need (also known as differentiation).
  • Checking on the progress of your child and identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need and discussing amendments with the SENCo.
  • Updating the One Page Profile and writing ‘My Learning Plans’, sharing and reviewing these with parents once a term and planning for the next term.
  • Ensuring all members of staff working with your child in school are aware of your child’s individual needs and/or conditions and what specific adjustments need to be made to enable them to be included and make progress.
  • Ensuring that all staff working with your child in school are supported in delivering the planned work/intervention for your child, so they can achieve the best possible progress.  This may involve the use of additional adults, outside specialist help and specially planned work and resources.
  • Ensuring that the school’s SEND policy is followed in their classroom and for all the pupils they teach with any SEND.

SEN Co-ordinator

She has the responsibility for:

  • Coordinating all the support for children with SEND and developing the school’s SEND policy to make sure all children get a consistent, high quality response to meeting their needs in school.
  • Ensuring you as a parent/carer are:
  • Involved in supporting your child’s learning.
  • Kept informed about the support your child is getting.
  • Involved in reviewing how they are doing.
  • Part of planning ahead for them.
  • Liaising with all the other people who may be coming into school to help support your child’s learning e.g. Speech and Language Therapy, Educational Psychology etc.
  • Overseeing the records of children with SEND.
  • Contributing to the in-service training of staff so they can help your child to achieve their potential.
  • Supporting your child’s class teacher to write One Page Profiles and MLPs (My Learning Plans) that specify targets set for your child to achieve.
  • Monitoring the progress of your child to identify trends in their progress and work with staff to narrow any gaps.
  • Organising training for staff so they are aware and confident about how to meet the needs of your child and others within the school.

Intervention Teacher & Class TAs

They are responsible for:

  • Delivering specially planned work to your child based on their individual needs.
  • Monitoring the impact this work has on your child’s progress.
  • Supporting class teachers in helping your child achieve their targets on their IEP.
  • Using assessment tools to determine the individual needs your child may have.


He is responsible for:

  • The day to day management of all aspects of the school, this includes the support for children with SEND.  He will give responsibility to the SENCo and class teachers but is still responsible for ensuring that your child’s needs are met.
  • He must make sure the Governing Body is kept up to date about any issues in the school relating to SEND.

SEND Governor

He is responsible for:

  • Making sure that the school has an up to date SEND Policy.
  • Making sure that the school has appropriate provision and has made necessary adaptations to meet the needs of all children in the school.
  • Making sure that the necessary support is made for any child who attends the school who has SEN and/or disabilities.
  • Making visits to understand and monitor the support given to children with SEND in the school and being part of the process to ensure your child achieves his/her potential in school.

Our responses to the '14 questions'

  • 1. How does Westbourne Primary School know if children need extra help?

    We know when pupils need help if:

    • concerns are raised by parents/carers, teachers, TAs, the pupil’s previous school (if appropriate) or healthcare professional.
    • there is  a lack of progress.
    • there is a change in the pupil’s behaviour or attitude.
    • a pupil asks for help.
  • What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
    • If you have concerns then contact your child’s teacher or Miss Sibley, the SENCo.
  • 2. How will I know how Westbourne Primary School supports my child?
    • Each pupil’s education programme will be planned by the class teacher with the support of the SENCo if necessary. It will be differentiated accordingly to suit the pupil’s needs and recorded on a provision map. This may include additional general support by the teacher or teaching assistant (TA) in class or a specific intervention carried out in small groups or 1:1. The length of time of the intervention will vary according to need but will generally be for a term. The interventions will be regularly reviewed by all involved to ascertain the effectiveness of the provision and to inform future planning.
    • Pupil Progress Meetings are held 3 times a year. This is a meeting where the class teacher meets with a member of the SLT to discuss the progress of the pupils in their class. This shared discussion may highlight any potential problems in order for further support to be planned and included in the provision map.
    • Occasionally a pupil may need more expert support form an outside agency such as the Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist etc. Referral forms are then completed in conjunction with parents/carers and forwarded to the most appropriate agency. After a series of assessments, a programme of support is usually provided to the school and parents/carers.
    • The Governors of Westbourne Primary School are responsible for monitoring Safeguarding and Child protection procedures. They are also responsible for the monitoring and correct administration of the Disclosure and Barring service procedures and the school’s Single Central record. In a support and challenge role the Governors ensure that the school is as inclusive as possible and treats all children and staff in an equitable way. They monitor and review the accessibility plan and all other statutory policies as defined by the DfE.
  • 3. How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
    • When a pupil has been identified with special needs their work will be differentiated by the class teacher to enable them to access the curriculum more easily. This may be by task, grouping, additional structure or equipment.
    • TAs may be allocated to work with the pupil in a 1-1 or small focus group to target more specific needs.
    • If appropriate, specialist equipment may be given to the pupil e.g. writing slopes, concentration cushions, pen/pencils grips or easy to use scissors.
  • 4. How will I know how my child is doing?
    • You will be able to discuss your child’s progress at Parents Evenings.
    • Appointments can be made to speak in more detail to the class teacher or SENCo by visiting the school office.
    • A meeting to review your child’s learning plan will be held each term.
  • How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
    • The class teacher may suggest ways of supporting your child’s learning through meetings and at parents’ evenings.
    • Miss Sibley, the SENCo, may meet with you to discuss how to support your child.
    • Miss Sibley may meet with you to discuss strategies to use if there are problems with your child’s behaviour/emotional needs.
    • If outside agencies or the Educational Psychologist have been involved suggestions and programmes of study are normally provided that can be used at home.
    • Appointments can be made with your child’s class teacher or with Miss Sibley if you need strategies to support your child at home.
  • 5. What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?

    The school offers a wide variety of pastoral support for pupils who are encountering emotional difficulties.

    These include:

    • Members of staff such as class teacher, teaching assistants and SENCo who are readily available for pupils who wish to discuss issues and concerns.
    • The school can access support from the Family Link Worker who can provide support for pupils through 1-1 sessions where problems are discussed and solutions planned. 
    • Peer Mentors in Year 5 and 6 offer support to their peers for a range of difficulties that children may be encountering.

    Children with medical needs

    • All staff receive regular epipen training delivered by the School Nurse.
    • Where necessary and in agreement with parents/carers, medicines prescribed by a doctor are administered in school but only when a medical form is signed to ensure the safety of both child and staff member.
  • 6. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?

    At times it may be necessary to consult with outside agencies to receive their more specialised expertise.

    The agencies which can be accessed by the school include:

    • Educational Psychology Service
    • Sensory Support Team for children with visual or hearing needs.
    • Traveller Support Service
    • Speech and Language Therapy
    • Occupational Therapy Service
    • Physiotherapy Service
    • Ethnic Minority Achievement Team
    • Inclusion Support Team
    • Behaviour Support Team
    • Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
    • School Nursing Service
    • Social Services
    • Family Link Worker
    • Play Therapist
    • Informal Family Care
    • Winston’s Wish Charity
  • 7. What training are the staff supporting children with SEND had or are having?
    • The school has a School Development Plan, which includes identified training needs for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND.  This may include whole school training on SEND issues or to support identified groups of learners in school, such as ASD, dyslexia etc.
    • We make an annual audit of training needs for all staff taking into account school priorities and personal professional development. Particular support is given to new members of staff and to training that addresses children’s specific needs.
    • Whole staff training takes place to disseminate knowledge, strategies and experience, to ensure consistency of the school’s approach for children with an SEND.
    • The SENCos of each school in the locality meet together each term to share good practice.
    • Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class e.g. from CAMHS, Speech and Language Therapy Service etc.
  • 8. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom including school trips?

    It is the school’s policy to enable every child to participate as fully as possible in all elements of the wider curriculum. 

    • Risk assessments are carried out and procedures are put in place to enable all children to participate.
    • If a health and safety risk assessment suggests that an intensive level of 1:1 support is required a parent or carer may also be asked to accompany their child during the activity in addition to the usual school staff.
  • 9. How accessible is the school environment?

    Our school has an accessibility policy which is reviewed regularly.  As part of this review, we ensure that the school is accessible for all children, including those with physical and sensory needs or where English is not a first language.

  • 10. How will the school prepare and support my child when joining Westbourne Primary School or transferring to a new school?

    At Westbourne Primary School we understand that moving schools can be a stressful time and therefore many strategies are in place to enable pupils’ transition to be as smooth as possible.  These include:

    • Meetings between the previous or receiving schools prior to the pupil joining/leaving, both for teaching staff and the SENCo.
    • Additional visits are also arranged for pupils who need extra time in their new school.
    • The Headteacher or the SENCo are always willing to meet with parents/carers prior to their child joining the school to share concerns or pass information about specialist support or agencies already working with you.
    • Secondary school staff visit pupils prior to them joining their new school.
    • Our SENCo meets with the SENCos from the secondary schools to pass on information regarding SEN pupils.  Further transition visits are arranged if it is felt necessary. Where a pupil may have more specialist needs, a separate meeting is arranged with the SENCo, the parents/carers and where appropriate the pupil.
  • 11. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
    • The SEN budget is allocated each financial year.  The money is used to provide additional support or resources dependent on an individual’s needs.
    • Additional provision may be allocated after discussion with the class teacher at pupil progress meetings or if a concern has been raised by them at another time during the year.
    • If any concerns are raised by our SENCo on completion of the assessment she uses then further support may be allocated to your child.
    • Individual Pupil Premium payments are used to support that pupil’s learning.
    • Additional funds are received for pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Needs/EHCP.
  • 12. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
    • When they start the school, every child’s needs are carefully assessed, following discussion with early years providers  and decisions are made based on the ability of a child to access the curriculum and make progress.
    • The SENCo will work closely with you and all staff to discuss relevant interventions, adult support and advice from specialist services to make best use of available resources.
    • During their school life, if further concerns are identified due to the pupil’s lack of progress or well-being then other interventions will be arranged.
    • We regularly assess the impact of any additional support and resources and report pupil’s progress to parents.
  • 13. How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?

    All parents are encouraged to contribute to their child’s education.

    This may be through:

    • discussions with the class teacher.
    • during parents evenings.
    • during discussions with the Headteacher, the SENCo or other professionals.
    • Parents are encouraged to comment on their child’s Learning Plan with possible suggestions that could be incorporated.
  • 14. Who can I contact for further information?
    • The first point of contact will always be your child’s class teacher.
    • The SENCo is Miss Sibley and she can be contacted at the school.
    • Or an appointment can be made with the Headteacher Mr Steven Potter.
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